We stock a variety of cine editing equipment, a few splicers and synchblocks in 35mm, but mostly editors, splicers, synchblocks, and more in 16mm, super 8mm, and regular 8mm. The term "table-top editor" usually refers to the combination of a film viewer combined on a board or in a case with 400' rewinds (often fold-away design) and sometimes a splicer. The illustration at left is the Craig editing kit with all aforementioned components in a wood carrying case, and we stock them in regular 8mm and 16mm. They are of all metal construction with 3 1/4" X 4 1/4" fine groundglass viewing screens and stainless steel film tracks to provide lasting service and maximal protection to film. They are made for professional and institutional use, and we recommend them. Some 8mm and super 8mm editors have a metal film transport panel surrounded by a plastic housing. All tabletop editors employ a multi-faced prism as a shutter to provide the moving picture on the screen, and almost all table-top editors are advanced via the manual rewinds. Some sound components associated with sound editing will be found in the Audio Equipment listings on the left hand menu. Some editors and splicers can be supplied with instructions, and we are available to answer any questions you might have.

  • 16mm Craig/Kalart, 400' rew., spl., case 250
  • 16mm Craig/Kalart editing head only 195
  • 16mm Craig/Kalart, 5x7 screen, head only 250
  • 16mm Magnasyn/Moviola, head only 395
  • 16mm Moviola LP tabletop, 2000' arms 995
  • 16mm Moviola L20, pic & snd heads, arms 2495
  • 16mm S.O.S., head only 250
  • 16mm Steenbeck ST1100W 2 plate flatbed 1895
  • 16mm Zeiss Moviscop, head only 395
  • 16mm Bell & Howell, static viewer only 50
    • S8mm Baia Ediviewer II, 400' rew., 3"x4" screen 100
    • S8mm Baia Mark II Reviewer, 400 rew., 2"x2.75" screen 50
    • S8mm Minette 400' rew., 1 3/4"X2 1/2" screen 75
    • S8mm Vernon DeLuxe 400' rew., 3.75"x4.75" screen 125
    • S8mm Hahnell, 400' rew., 3.5"x4.75" screen 125
      • 8/S8mm Baia Instaview 120, motorized rew 95
      • 8/S8mm Baia Instaview 270 motorized rew. 125
      • 8/S8mm DaBrite illuminated static viewer 25
      • 8/S8mm HP Dual 8, 400' rewinds, 2"x3" sc. 95
      • 8/S8mm Prinz 380-56, 400'rewinds 125
        • 8mm Craig/Kalart, 400' rew., spl., case, mtl. 125
        • 8mm Craig/Kalart editing head only 95
        • 8mm Baia Reviewer, 400' rewinds 60
        • 8mm B&H Filmo, 400' rew., spl., all metal 50
        • 8mm Franklin, 800' rewinds., splicer, board 65
        • 8mm Frankling editing head only 35
        • 8mm Mansfield 950, 400ÔøO rew., spl., board 65
        • 8mm Mansfield 950 editing head only 35
        • 8mm Mansfield Reporter R8, 400' rewinds 65
        • 8mm Minette 8 w/200' rewinds, 1 3/4"X2 1/2" screen 85
        • 8mm Sears, 400' rewinds, 4"x5.5" screen 75
        • 8mm Tower, 400' rewinds, all metal 65
          • 35mm MPE wet splicer w/scraper 75
          • 35mm Griswold R3 wet splicer 50
          • 35mm Griswold 2642 hot splicer w/scraper 125
          • 16/8mm Mair Hancock 816 hot spl. w/scr. 190
          • 16/8mm Micro 16 hot splicer w/scraper 190
          • 16/8mm Stanco Cine Model 6 hot splicer 150
          • 16/8mm Griswold J wet splicer 30
          • 16/8mm Arguet wet splicer w/scraper 40
          • 16/8mm Seimans wet splicer 40
          • 16/8mm Bolex wet splicer w/heater 60
          • 16/8mm Kodascope Universal wet splicer 30
          • 16/8mm Craig Master wet splicer 25
          • 16/8mm Craig Senior wet splicer 20
          • 16/8mm Craig Junior wet splicer 15
          • 16/8mm Hollywood wet splicer 15
          • 16/8mm Kinolux wet splicer 15
          • 16/8mm Franklin wet splicer 15
          • 16/8mm Manfield wet splicer 10
          • 16/8mm HPI tape splicer 15
          • 16/8mm Quick Splice tape splicer 10
          • 16/8mm Mansfield tape splicer 10
          • 16/8mm Sears tape splicer 10
          • 16/8mm Kodak screw-on tape splicer 8
          • 16/8/S8mm Craig Master S6 wet splicer 50
          • 16/8/S8mm LPL wet splicer 40
          • 16/8/S8mm Kodak Presstape tape splicer 40
          • 16/8/S8mm HPI tape splicer 25
          • 16/8/S8mm Sears Du-All illuminated 25
          • 8mm Kalart Custom wet splicer 10
          • 8/S8mm Hahnel Kollmatic MS motorized 75
          • S8mm Eumig Chemco one-stroke lever 20
          • S8mm Kalart SPL-1 wet splicer 20
            • 35mmX1gang Hollywood Film Company synchblock w/5 digit counter, EX 100
            • 35mmX1gang Ediquip synchblock w/hrs-min-sec counter, EX 125
            • 16mmX3gang Ediquip Model 1033 synchblock w/4 digit counter, EX 175
            • 16mmX4gang Magnasync-Moviola Model SZD synchblock w/4 digit counter, EX 195
              • 8/S8mm Suntar sound reader for acc. jack 95
              • 8mmX400' Craig metal rewinds 25
              • 8mmx400' Mansfield metal rewinds on wood board w/wet splicer 35
              • 8mmx400' Kodak plastic rewinds on metal rails w/tape splicer 45
              • 16/8mmX800' Mansfield metal rewinds 25
              • 16/8mmX800' Franklin metal rewinds 35
              • 16/8mmX400' Craig metal chromed rewinds 45
              • 16/8mmx1600' Craig Senior single rewind w/flange 20
              • Franklin wood mounting board for Franklin editor, rewinds, & splicer 15
              • Mansfield metal mounting board for Mansfield editor, rewinds, & spliceer 15
              • 16mm CEC/SOS magnetic striping device 40
              • Kodak square film cement bottle 5
              • Craig type round film cement bottle 5
              • 35/16/DBL8mmx100' Arkay G3 tank (EX) 65
              • Morse Portable Film Dryer in case (EX) 95
              • 16mm Houston Fearless processing idlers, each 5

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